Editorial: Keep corporations home with tax reform
“Instead of weighing measures to punish corporations that take advantage of these so-called tax inversions, the better approach is to finally overhaul an uncompetitive corporate tax code.”
OPINION: Washington’s Out-of-Date Tax Code Is Destroying Jobs
By Sen. Rob Portman
Our out-of-date tax code is turning American businesses into economic refugees… It’s past time to get to work fixing a code that is undermining America’s ability to compete.
Clever slogans and political games won’t make America the best place in the world to do business again, but tax reform is one of the common sense policy changes that would. Congress and the President must make it a top priority.
The True Patriotic Response to our Growing Tax Crisis
By Claire Buchan Parker
“A modern international tax system, one designed for the 21st century, would create an environment where our economy can grow here at home and encourage U.S.-headquartered companies to expand into new markets abroad. This type of reform would directly benefit American workers and communities through increased investment, job growth and overall greater opportunity.”
The Long-Term Answer to Inversions? Tax Reform.
By Maya MacGuineas
Legislative efforts to raise the standards companies must meet to invert, or reduce their tax benefits if they do, would not address the fundamental problems in the tax code that are driving money overseas. Instead of punishing companies for moving abroad, we should be creating an environment in which they can succeed.
U.S. must reform corporate tax rate
“The U.S. needs to move toward ending this double taxation, lower the corporate tax rate and trim loopholes so tax reform remains revenue neutral. It should be clear that an overhaul that encourages companies to remain headquartered in the U.S. is, in the long term, the best deal for all of us.”
Stop inversions by restoring growth and job creation
By Elaine Kamarck and James P. Pinkerton
“It’s no secret that America is badly in need of a revamped tax code. For many years now, experts throughout industry and academia, as well as leaders on both sides of the aisle, have called for comprehensive reform that lowers rates and creates a simpler, modern tax code.”
Tom Coburn: The Case for Corporate Tax Reform
By Senator Tom Cuburn
“By overhauling the tax code, ending corporate loopholes, lowering tax rates and treating everyone fairly, Congress could stop this mass exodus of capital and tax revenue.”